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Expansion Breathwork with Mark Moon

  • Yoga Loft Sydney 421 Cleveland Street Redfern, NSW, 2016 Australia (map)

Expansion Breathwork

A Journey Towards Inner Harmony and Joy

Discover the transformative power of breathwork in a journey designed to elevate your spirit, liberate your body, and awaken the deep wisdom that resides within.

Join Mark Moon for an expansive 3 hour Breathwork Experience, where every breath brings you closer to your true essence. Suitable for both beginners and experienced breathers, this workshop provides a nurturing space to release the bioenergetic blocks that can often lead to anxiety, depression, or limiting beliefs and behaviours.

Through the expansive energy of breathwork you can discover how to:

●      Alleviate Stress: Learn techniques to calm your nervous system, offering immediate relief and long-lasting tranquillity.

●      Cultivate Inner Peace: Connect with your inner healing wisdom, guiding you towards a more aligned and authentic expression of yourself.

●      Foster Physical Well-being: Experience the rejuvenating effects of breathwork on your physical health, enhancing vitality and well-being.

Set the stage for a transformation that goes beyond the surface, reaching into the core of your being. The Expansion Breathwork Experience is an invitation to profound transformation, guiding you to live with harmony, joy, and vibrancy. Begin your transformative journey of discovery, healing, and harmony; all starting with a single, intentional breath.

Investment: $99

Where: The Yoga Loft Sydney

When: 2-5pm Saturday 1st June 2024

 About Mark Moon

Mark Moon is an experienced breathwork facilitator and wellness coach, deeply committed to guiding individuals on transformative journeys toward self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. His holistic approach weaves together the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of well-being, underscoring his dedication to the profound healing potential of breathwork.

Drawing on years of experience and a passion for lifelong learning, Mark skillfully combines foundational breathing techniques with advanced practices to alleviate stress, cultivate inner peace, and foster physical rejuvenation. Blending foundational techniques with advanced practices, Mark's workshops are a sanctuary for personal growth, inner peace, and physical rejuvenation.

Mark's accessible and heartfelt teaching style ensures that his workshops are welcoming to both beginners and advanced practitioners alike. Through his insightful guidance, countless individuals have discovered the joy and liberation of living in alignment with their true essence. His mission is to inspire and support others to step into the fullest expression of who they are, opening the door to a life of harmony, vitality, and boundless energy.


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●      Please have an empty stomach of at least 4 hours if not more, and avoid too much coffee or extra stimulants the day of the event.

●      Please be alcohol and substance free as we are working with the energy body which can produce emotional release and altered-states of consciousness.

●      Come with an open mind and allow the magic of Breathwork and the power of universal prana to do what it does best.


Breathwork is a powerful healing modality and although usually a safe, deeply relaxing and enjoyable process, it can result in certain physiological changes in the body that can produce a mild change in consciousness with physical and/or emotional release. It is each participant’s responsibility to listen to their body and look after their own physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Be mindful of your own capabilities and act accordingly.

Please be aware that sessions can produce tingling of the hands, face or feet and emotional experiences like crying, laughing or screaming with excessive energy moving through your body.

As a precaution, the following conditions are contraindicated for anyone thinking of practising this style of Breathwork:

Recent surgery. Pregnancy. Detached Retina or Glaucoma. High Blood Pressure (not controlled with medication). Cardiovascular disease including angina, previous heart attack or stroke. Diagnosis of aneurysm in the brain or abdomen. Uncontrolled thyroid conditions and diabetes. Respiratory Issues / Asthma. Epilepsy / Seizures

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